Hovagimyan jako artysta multmedialny interesuje się przede wszystkim zagadnieniami dotyczącymi rynku, sztuki, roli artysty.
Nagraliśmy video z jego wypowiedzią.
Sztuka, Rynek i Sztuczne Rewolucje
- art market creates fake revolutions
- intension of revolution and art is the same
- radical liberation
- art and real estates
G.H. Hovagimyan is an experimental artist working in a variety of forms. He is one of the first artists in New York to start working with the Internet and new media in the early nineties.
He is the director of the new media video art work Plazaville based on the classic 1965 movie Alphaville by Jean Luc Godard. Plazaville is set in 21st century New York City. The scenes from the original Alphaville are being re-enacted, interpreted and improvised upon by the artists, actors and videographers. The piece uses the internet as one means of distributing the short video clips. This is somewhat like a serialized program but is not in any order.
The final presentation of the work is envisioned as a video projection/ installation work.
The piece is a truly hypertextual/ hypermedia artwork that has an affinity with the meandering
narrative that is a key device of graphic novels.
This work involves a loose collaborative of Artists in New York called Artists Meeting. The
members are participating in the work as actors, camera-persons, set designers etc. G.H.
You may access the current scenes of Plazaville via computer at:
YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/ghovagimyan
Nagraliśmy video z jego wypowiedzią.
Sztuka, Rynek i Sztuczne Rewolucje
- art market creates fake revolutions
- intension of revolution and art is the same
- radical liberation
- art and real estates
G.H. Hovagimyan is an experimental artist working in a variety of forms. He is one of the first artists in New York to start working with the Internet and new media in the early nineties.
He is the director of the new media video art work Plazaville based on the classic 1965 movie Alphaville by Jean Luc Godard. Plazaville is set in 21st century New York City. The scenes from the original Alphaville are being re-enacted, interpreted and improvised upon by the artists, actors and videographers. The piece uses the internet as one means of distributing the short video clips. This is somewhat like a serialized program but is not in any order.
The final presentation of the work is envisioned as a video projection/ installation work.
The piece is a truly hypertextual/ hypermedia artwork that has an affinity with the meandering
narrative that is a key device of graphic novels.
This work involves a loose collaborative of Artists in New York called Artists Meeting. The
members are participating in the work as actors, camera-persons, set designers etc. G.H.
You may access the current scenes of Plazaville via computer at:
YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/ghovagimyan
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